Mapping Training

Mapping for mission Training

We are aware that to merely do mapping ourselves will have little effect in reducing the amount of work in reaching the unreached. We want to share the knowledge we have gained with others to assist them to do their own mapping and so become more effective in their outreach efforts and ministry. Inserv was introduced to mapping by Global Mapping International (GMI). We were trained in the use of computer mapping software for Christian ministry and mapping purposes and currently, Inserv is assisted by a retired expert, with the training that we offer.
The training is primarily done using software that is accessible to all. We want to see individuals being trained in this essential skill so that they may have a hand in the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19, and missionaries being strategic witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth (Acts: 1:8).

Inspiring Verses
Physical liberty, freedom from bondage, is not the goal, but only a stepping stone towards the achievement of life’s nobler goals – freedom of spirit and mind. R. Zechariah Fendel.

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